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Privacy Policy

Welcome to IEC College of art & Fashion!

We care about your privacy and want to explain how we handle your personal information in a clear and simple way.

What do we collect?

At IEC College, we may collect different kinds of personal information. This includes:
  • Names
  • Addresses
  • Email addresses
  • Phone numbers
  • Academic records

How do we get your information?

We get your personal information in a few ways:
  • When you fill out forms on our website
  • When you register in person
  • By using cookies on our website (these are tiny bits of data that help us remember you)

How we use your Information?

We use your personal information for a few important reasons:
  • To process applications for admission
  • To stay in touch with students and staff
  • To manage academic records

Third-Party Disclosure

Sometimes, we share your personal information with others, but only for education and administration reasons.

Data Security and Retention

We work hard to keep your personal information safe and private. We keep it as long as we need it for the reasons we collected it, or as required by the law.

Your Rights

You have the right to:
  • See the information we have about you
  • Correct any mistakes in your information
  • Ask us to delete your information when the law allows

Contact us

If you have questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy or how we handle your personal information, please contact us at We’re here to help!
Inquire now!